
Shared Core Research Facilities

NC State’s Office of Research and Innovation oversees five University Core Shared Research Facilities that house a variety of state-of-the-art instruments. Each of these Facilities are staffed by scientists that offer hands-on training, specialized research services as well as project consultation.


Research and Innovation

Centers and Institutes

NC State's centers and institutes provide platforms for the sharpest minds across the UNC system to collaborate, investigate and discover. Learn more about center and institute research, explore their guidelines and management, and read about industry partnerships that drive economic development.


Research and Innovation

Interdisciplinary Research Initiatives

The Office of Research and Innovation supports strategically important interdisciplinary research efforts by NC State faculty and their external partners. Learn more about the Data Science Initiative, Neurosciences at NC State, and Smart Cities.


Research and Innovation

Research Education for Faculty

The Research Education Intranet includes educational information for faculty members that covers research e-learning, the Faculty Orientation Guide to Research at NC State, AALAS Learning Library, CITI federal compliance training, data management planning, proposal development unit intranet, and a research development and grantwriting newsletter.


Research and Innovation

Summer Salary Training

This section contains information related to the annual certification process for 9-month faculty eligibility for summer salary payments from sponsored project funds as well as the annual training requirement for Administrative staff.


Research and Innovation

Find Internal Research Funding

Find information on seed funding, research equipment, interdisciplinary research, and other research infrastructure. Questions about these opportunities should be directed to the Research Development Office.


Research and Innovation

Limited Submission Research Funding

The RDO attempts to identify all limited submission opportunities of interest to the NC State research community and coordinates the submission process with the colleges. Current opportunities are posted, along with information on the submission process and faculty interest in non-posted opportunities.


Research and Innovation


The Grants.gov page allows faculty members and their colleagues the ability to fill out web forms and apply for funding together. The page guides faculty in creating workspaces for open funding opportunities.


Research and Innovation


InfoEd SPIN is the Research Development Office's funding opportunity database. Directions are available for user registration.


Research and Innovation

Research Partnerships and Industry Collaboration

The Office of Partnerships and Economic Development provides information on how to start, facilitate and/or manage a research partnership with a company; connections to potential industry partners for purposes of funding research, recruiting, speaking opportunities and more.


Research and Innovation