Selected Scholar Awards provides information on limited-submission funding opportunities for early career professors to jump start an independent research career. Information is also available on Biomedical Scholar Awards support research in biomedical fields and are all limited.
Research and Innovation
The page allows faculty members and their colleagues the ability to fill out web forms and apply for funding together. The page guides faculty in creating workspaces for open funding opportunities.
Research and Innovation
InfoEd SPIN is the Research Development Office's funding opportunity database. Directions are available for user registration.
Research and Innovation
The Office of Partnerships and Economic Development provides information on how to start, facilitate and/or manage a research partnership with a company; connections to potential industry partners for purposes of funding research, recruiting, speaking opportunities and more.
Research and Innovation
The Office of Research and Innovation intranet maintains a list of external funding opportunities from private and corporate foundations.
Research and Innovation
The Chancellor’s Innovation Fund (CIF) awards up to $75,000 to support short-term commercially-focused research projects. Information is available on the CIF application process, proposal criteria and review, faculty eligibility and current fiscal year schedule.
Research and Innovation