The PI Portal provides a listing of each PI’s projects (active and inactive), alerts, and project specific information.
Research and Innovation
The Project Modification Request page includes a link to the Access PMR Portal, the PMR user manual and enhancements, and related forms from the Office of Sponsored Programs.
Research and Innovation
A robust wireless data network provides access to NC State campus computing services and to the internet on Main Campus, Centennial Campus and Centennial Biomedical Campus.
Office of Information Technology
Request a Custom Workshop for teaching with technology tools for a group of seven or more.
Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA)
Request Video and Media Production Help Consult our video and media production experts on ways to capture instructional content or events for your course. Video Production request form
Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA)
The Research Education Intranet includes educational information for faculty members that covers research e-learning, the Faculty Orientation Guide to Research at NC State, AALAS Learning Library, CITI federal compliance training, data management planning, proposal development unit intranet, and a research development and grantwriting newsletter.
Research and Innovation
Each research grant awarded on or after July 1, 2016 is eligible to utilize 1 terabyte of storage space on OIT’s Research Storage system.
Office of Information Technology
MyPack Portal provides NC State faculty with access to Human Resources Systems (HR), and Financial Systems (FIN). This site requires a Unity ID and password for login.
Research and Innovation
SAS is an integrated system of software products which enables programmers to perform various statistical analyses.
Office of Information Technology
Slate is designed to simplify the student application process. This site provides an overview of Slate’s primary functions and in-depth instructions for navigating its interface. The Graduate School will be working to improve these materials over time, so please get in touch if your department finds that tutorials or any aspect of Slate could be further clarified.
The Graduate School
A wide variety of software is freely available for use by the campus community.
Office of Information Technology
High performance computing systems at NC State has software installed for general use. In addition, other software can be requested.
Office of Information Technology
Using the Course Syllabus Template
Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA)
NC State provides resources and professional development opportunities to enable faculty to enhance the use of technology in teaching to enable effective learning for students. The Office of Faculty Development strengthens teaching with technology through information on teaching strategies, evidence-based practices and assessment and evaluation resources.
Office of Faculty Development
Information technology resources for faculty and staff cover those for classroom teaching, distance education, IT safety, research assistance and more.
University Communications and Marketing