
Environmental Health and Safety

Environmental Health and Safety at NC State covers biosafety, environmental affairs, occupational health and safety, fire and life safety, laboratory safety and radiation safety. A variety of resources are available to the university community to assist in education on each topic.


Environmental Health and Public Safety

Economic Development

The Economic Development Partnership within the Office of Partnerships and Economic Development works across the state to attract new businesses and industries to North Carolina.


Research and Innovation

Data and Data Visualization

Librarians help faculty, staff, and students with finding and acquiring data sources in all disciplines. Librarians offer help with data management planning, data visualization, working with geospatial data and geographic information systems (GIS), and using the NCSU Libraries specialized visualization spaces.



Create and Manage a Subaward

Sponsored Programs and Regulatory Compliance Services outlines how to create and manage outgoing subawards. This includes information on the subaward process/presentation, templates and terms and conditions, subaward requests and more.


Research and Innovation

Create a Startup Company

The Office of Technology Commercialization and New Ventures is the hub for all NC State startups based on university intellectual property. New Ventures provides the one-stop shop for a full suite of programs, resources and partners to support the launch and growth of university startups.


Research and Innovation