NCSU Libraries' resources for researchers involved in data management planning (DMP) include guidelines on the content of a DMP, how to write a DMP, helpful contacts for questions and sample DMPs.
There have been changes to PRR’s and clarifications of the university property disposition process for any type of University owned/controlled property (capital, non-capital, supplies, etc). Related links point to the updated disposition process document and the updated Policy statements located on the NC State University PRR website. These documents provide uniform guidance that should be followed by all faculty and staff. The updated policy supersedes all prior policies or procedures.
Materials Management
MyPack Portal provides NC State faculty with access to Human Resources Systems (HR), and Financial Systems (FIN). This site requires a Unity ID and password for login.
Research and Innovation
Sponsored Programs and Regulatory Compliance Services outlines how to create and manage outgoing subawards. This includes information on the subaward process/presentation, templates and terms and conditions, subaward requests and more.
Research and Innovation
To be in compliance with OMB Circular A-110 or 2 CFR 200 (Uniform Guidance), faculty must certify that a search was completed within the University for available assets before purchasing new assets for a sponsored project. Faculty may use the Faculty Asset Search Tool to complete and certify these searches.
Research and Innovation
The Office of Contracts and Grants provides information on project modification requests (PMR), including how to access the PMR portal, the PMR user manual, PMR forms and an FAQ for PMRs.
Research and Innovation
Facilities and administrative (FandA) rates general information covers current cost rates, the full rate agreement signature date, policies, determining direct vs. FandA costs, a guide on how to apply the correct FandA rate, and the university fringe benefit charge.
Research and Innovation
This section contains information related to summer salary from sponsored project funds for 9-month faculty, including regulations, payments and effort reporting.
Research and Innovation
In an effort to streamline the administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements of Federal Awards, the Office of Management and Budget undertook a significant revision to regulations that govern Federal grant activities. Regulations were combined under one “Uniform Guidance” for the management of Federal Grant Awards. Federal links, agency updates, implementation guides and other resources are available.
Research and Innovation
General information on The Employee Activity Reporting System (TEARS) is available, along with TEARS system instructions and quick reference guides for faculty.
Research and Innovation
The PI Portal provides a listing of each PI’s projects (active and inactive), alerts, and project specific information.
Research and Innovation
The Project Modification Request page includes a link to the Access PMR Portal, the PMR user manual and enhancements, and related forms from the Office of Sponsored Programs.
Research and Innovation
This page outlines just a few of the various ethical and fiduciary responsibilities acquired when leading or participating in the conduct of scholarly exploration. This web site is in development and will be updated frequently.
Research and Innovation
Sponsored Programs and Regulatory Compliance Services provides information and guidelines on research compliance including: Research Integrity; Conflict of Interest and Notice of Intent; Export Controls; Animal Care and Use; Human Subjects; and Restricted Research Data. Training information and important contacts are also listed.
Research and Innovation