
Student Legal Services

Faculty should be aware that Student Legal Services provides free legal services for currently enrolled students. Attorneys deal with a wide variety of legal issues on behalf of students such as criminal, landlord/tenant, immigration, traffic and domestic/estate matters.


Academic and Student Affairs

Students with Disabilities

The Disability Resources Office is a resource for faculty in understanding their responsibility in providing an inclusive and accessible educational environment for all students. Resources are available on providing accommodations, teaching students with disabilities, making course content available, and related university policies and procedures.


Academic and Student Affairs

Study Abroad Curriculum Integration

NC State major or college-specific resources and mapping major course pre-approvals for study abroad have been and continue to be developed with NC State faculty to highlight the best-fit study abroad programs for students based on academic discipline as a result of this initiative.


Global Engagement

Teaching International Students

This website contains information grounded in best practices and the experiences of staff who work with international students on a daily basis. It gives practical tips for addressing common issues faced by faculty including strategies for increasing student participation, assessing the writing of non-native speakers of English, and ensuring student comprehension of class lectures. Each section touches on the cultural issues behind each suggestion and a tip.


Global Engagement

Teaching with Technology

NC State provides resources and professional development opportunities to enable faculty to enhance the use of technology in teaching to enable effective learning for students. The Office of Faculty Development strengthens teaching with technology through information on teaching strategies, evidence-based practices and assessment and evaluation resources.


Office of Faculty Development

TH!NK Program (Quality Enhancement Plan)

TH!NK cultivates students’ higher order skills in critical and creative thinking across disciplinary boundaries. In TH!NK courses, students explore content through a lens of critical and creative thinking, taking ownership of their own learning. Faculty implementing TH!NK strategies into courses received extensive training and provide students opportunities to develop and receive feedback on higher-order thinking skills.


Academic and Student Affairs