Each fall, the Graduate School invites master's and Ph.D. students to participate in a competition that challenges them to describe their research in just three minutes.
The Graduate School
Top Hat is a comprehensive teaching platform that instructors can use to engage students both within and outside of the classroom with interactive slides, graded questions, customized content, videos, discussions, and polls. Students use smartphones, tablets, laptops, or ordinary cell phones to participate in Top Hat activities.
Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA)
Resources available include the academic program assessment application and related items, basic expectations for the assessment process, university regulations and related links.
Academic and Student Affairs
The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) at NC State University supports and promotes discovery-, inquiry-, scholarship- and creativity-based opportunities through mentored experiences with NC State faculty and other national and international scholars and professionals.
Academic and Student Affairs
A list of standard class times for NC State University courses.
Enrollment Management and Services
The University Academic Calendar covers all important dates related to NC State acdemics, including semester beginnings and endings, university closings and more. The academic calendar is subject to periodic review and revision.
Enrollment Management and Services
The University Archives, in the NCSU Libraries, collects, preserves, and makes accessible resources that document the growth and development of the university and its continued service to the people of North Carolina. It also collects materials about and docments student leadership and participation. It provides a resource for study and scholarship on the history and achievements of NC State.
Exam calendars include the dates and times exams are held for each semester. This includes the spring and fall semesters, as well as both summer sessions.
Enrollment Management and Services
University official holidays and closings.
The University Honors Program (UHP) provides a transformative learning experience that empowers students to critically engage meaningful problems in the world. The program enhances the educational experience for students through special interdisciplinary seminars, a residential village, and a capstone experience that emphasizes disciplinary based research.
Academic and Student Affairs
The University Scholars Program (USP) introduces high-achieving students to visual and performing arts, encourages them to consider contemporary issues in science and politics, challenges them to excel academically and inspires them to explore and engage through international and outdoor education programs. University Scholars connect their goals and passions, become active citizens, and embrace the challenges of a rapidly evolving world.
Academic and Student Affairs
We provide academic assistance for many 100- and 200- level math, chemistry and physics courses, as well as writing and speaking support for undergraduate and graduate students.
Academic and Student Affairs
Email/skype advising support for advisors or students who are not able to meet face-t-face
Academic and Student Affairs
WolfWare is NC State's enterprise suite of academic technologies and tools that provide instructors, students, prospective students and staff with a cohesive online environment for course enhancement and delivery. WolfWare also integrates and links to other campus-based technologies, such as the NCSU Library Course Tools and WeBWorK, an online homework system for math and science courses.
Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA)
Are you interested in developing an online, non-credit, fee-based offering? DELTA offers WolfWare Outreach, our enterprise-level learning management system to help you develop world-class non-credit, fee-based online courses. Extending NC State’s land-grant mission, WolfWare Outreach is a great option for faculty and departments to generate a new revenue stream in response to the economy and ever-shrinking budgets.
Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA)