Post-tenure review FAQ's cover topics including administrative review, review postponement, Statements of Faculty Responsibilities requirements, pertinent documentation, peer teaching evaluations and rule changes.
Upon approval of the Chancellor, emeritus/emerita status is granted to retiring full-time faculty in recognition of dedicated service at NC State. It is an earned rank and as such entitles its holders to commensurate rights and privileges.
The Association of Retired Faculty consists of retired faculty and EPA professional staff from NC State. The organization was founded in 1983 to share common interests and to maintain an organized association with the University.
Whether you are an academic department head searching for resources and guidance or a student looking to get in touch with a departmental contact — we’re here to direct you toward the tools you need for personal and professional success.
A scholarly reassignment is an assignment that is requested by the faculty member for the purpose of permitting the faculty member to engage in activities that are not part of his or her normal academic assignments, and that are designed to enable them to concentrate their efforts on recent developments in special areas of scholarly interest and to maintain high professional competence.
The RPT Report, formerly known as the RADAR RPT Report, provides a list of grant activity to help faculty members build their RPT Dossier. The RPT Report is a pre-defined report generated through the Sponsored Research Activity Reporting (SRAR) viewer, which is powered by SAS Visual Analytics.
Research and Innovation