University official holidays and closings.
Our goal is to ‘Build a Thriving Pack’ by assisting NC State faculty and staff in achieving healthy lifestyle goals by providing programs and/or services that address the six elements of Wellness.
Descriptions of leave options and eligibility.
The faculty and staff ombuds helps find options to informally resolve workplace issues/conflicts while being a confidential, independent, and impartial resource.
WolfTime is NC State University’s time keeping and leave tracking system. The Web-based system, can be accessed by the employee through their Employee Self Service section in the MyPack Portal.
Rules regarding adverse weather and who should report to work in such conditions.
Office of Professional Development (OPD) is a unit of the office of Continuing and Professional Education. Dedicated to the development and delivery of non-degree professional training courses, OPD provides you with a broad range of quality educational opportunities in a flexible, comfortable, and affordable learning environment.
NC State's Onboarding Center maintains all the resouces new faculty and staff members need to sucessfully navigate the university's campus, employee benefits, technology, travel and more.
Equal Opportunity and Equity responds to and investigates complaints of discrimination and harassment and provides discrimination and harassment prevention and response training. This includes harassment complaint resolution procedures, discrimination and harassment prevention prevention and response training, and more.
Institutional Equity and Diversity
NC State's organizational charts detail the levels of leadership across the university in colleges and units.
Institutional Research and Planning
Find links to services and support for researchers from the NCSU Libraries including: collections, citation management, grants and funding, measuring research impact, open research, publishing and copyright, data management, finding data and visualization.
The NCSU Libraries provides books, journals, technology lending, computer workstations, consultations with librarians, workshops and events at all of its five locations across the North, Central, Centennial and Biomedical campuses. Materials can be delivered to the location most convenient to you.
The NCSU Libraries course reserves system provides valuable readings and other materials that support the instructional requirements of specific courses. Faculty can request to have library staff create and add physical and digital course reserves to their classes.
You can borrow an unlimited amount of books and media from the NCSU Libraries. Most can be conveniently renewed online.
P-Card or purchasing card information can be found on the P-Card website. A P-Card is an NC State credit card issued for individuals for NC State transactional purposes.
Materials Management