

WolfTime is NC State University’s time keeping and leave tracking system. The Web-based system, can be accessed by the employee through their Employee Self Service section in the MyPack Portal.


Human Resources

Finding Information, Programs and Campus Resources Relating to Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity is critical to NC State’s mission. The university supports diverse perspectives and experiences throughout all of its colleges and divisions. Find resources through the Office for Institiutional Equity and Diversity, including the campus community centers, year-round campus events, programs and more.


Institutional Equity and Diversity

Preventing and Eliminating Sexual Violence

NC State is committed to eliminating sexual harassment, sexual violence and interpersonal violence. Affected campus community members can find resources and/or file a report on this website. Resources include medical and counseling services, academic and housing support, referrals to legal and confidential advocacy organizations and more.


Institutional Equity and Diversity

Assisting Students and Employees in Obtaining Accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act

NC State provides equal opportunity in all of its programs, activities and services, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and other applicable laws that prohibit disability discrimination. Employees can file a request for eligibility through OIED; students go to the Disability Services Office.


Institutional Equity and Diversity

Enrolling in Training, Workshops and Earning Your Certificate in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Our office provides diversity and equity training programs ranging from single workshops to our year-long, award-winning Equal Opportunity Institute certificate program. Our National Coalition Building Institute chapter affiliate has received national recognition for its facilitation of prejudice-reduction workshops on campus. All programs are free and open to faculty as participants and facilitators.


Institutional Equity and Diversity