
New to NC State

Subcategory: Offices to Know

Environmental Health and Safety

Environmental Health and Safety at NC State covers biosafety, environmental affairs, occupational health and safety, fire and life safety, laboratory safety and radiation safety. A variety of resources are available to the university community to assist in education on each topic.


Environmental Health and Public Safety

Office of General Counsel

NC State's Office of General Counsel is a dedicated team of legal advisors, counselors and professional staff committed to serving our clients by facilitating creative and collaborative solutions. The office provides legal and risk management advice on a wide variety of matters to the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, senior officers, other university administrators, and faculty and staff who are acting on behalf of the university.


Office of General Counsel

Office of Global Engagement

The Office of Global Engagement is NC State’s gateway to the world, overseeing global research, education and partnership efforts that tackle the grand challenges of our interconnected society. The office strives to bring global perspectives and insights home to Raleigh — and to export NC State’s solution-driven research all over the planet.


Global Engagement