WolfAlert is a collection of emergency communication tools, used in emergency events on campus. These tools may be used all together or individually, based on the need. Review the resource options for better understanding of how to receive emergency information.
Environmental Health and Public Safety
AEDs (automatic external defibrillators) are available in various locations on campus, to assist with cardiac arrest. Use this interactive Google Map to be familiar with locations.
Environmental Health and Public Safety
Emergency Management and Mission Continuity helps departments develop preparedness, response and recovery plans. These plans help mitigate loss of research materials, access to buildings and impact to students/teaching in the event of an emergency.
Environmental Health and Public Safety
University Police presents this instructional video in response to violent situations that while rare, have become far too prevalent and devastating in our society. This video provides strategies for survival in the event such an incident were to take place on our campus
Environmental Health and Public Safety
NC State faculty, staff and students travel all over the globe. Learn more about international travel at NC State and external resources.
The U. S. Department of State maintains a list of country-specific travel alerts and warnings. Get informed about your travel destination.
International health insurance covers a variety of costs while abroad. Coverage start at $2.95/day for faculty and staff.
The U.S. State Department maintains a list of ambulance, fire, and police emergency numbers abroad.
The U.S. Department of State maintains up to date information on travel requirements for U.S. citizens to all foreign countries.
Rules regarding adverse weather and who should report to work in such conditions.
Equal Opportunity and Equity responds to and investigates complaints of discrimination and harassment and provides discrimination and harassment prevention and response training. This includes harassment complaint resolution procedures, discrimination and harassment prevention prevention and response training, and more.
Institutional Equity and Diversity
Unity ID and password provide secure access to numerous university IT resources.
Office of Information Technology
NC State requires that every computer connected to the campus network have antivirus software installed.
Office of Information Technology
Duo Security adds Two-Factor Authentication to authentication services at NC State such as Shibboleth, which provides access to MyPack Portal and WolfWare. Google 2-Step adds Two-Factor Authentication for an extra layer of security for Google accounts, including Gmail and Google Drive.
Office of Information Technology