
Online Course Improvement Program

The Online Course Improvement Program (OCIP) is a professional development opportunity for faculty who currently teach online and are seeking to build upon their existing knowledge and skills in pursuit of improving one of their online courses. The program model is collaborative, which includes a cohort (group) of faculty peers and OCIP coordinators working together to design a course that meets the nationally recognized standards.


Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA)

Postdoctoral Affairs at NC State

NC State’s Office of Postdoctoral Affairs serves as a clearinghouse for information related to postdoctoral appointments and provides programs, resources and support to postdocs. NC State provides an array of resources for postdoctoral scholars to prepare them for a successful transition to the university community and a career beyond their postdoctoral appointments.


The Graduate School

Reporting Academic Misconduct

One of the most difficult aspects of maintaining academic integrity in the classroom is deciding what to do once you believe that academic misconduct has occurred. The following information is designed to help you in confronting a student whom you believe may have committed academic misconduct.


Academic and Student Affairs