Oversees the undergraduate course approval process (UCCC) as well as the GEP approval process (CUE) a the university level. This office provides assistance with Course Inventory Management software (CIM) and can provide guidance on the university level course approval process.
Academic and Student Affairs
This link contains the process maps for the undergraduate curriculum approval process.
Academic and Student Affairs
Assists faculty in verifying student absences.
Academic and Student Affairs
The Disability Resources Office is a resource for faculty in understanding their responsibility in providing an inclusive and accessible educational environment for all students. Resources are available on providing accommodations, teaching students with disabilities, making course content available, and related university policies and procedures.
Academic and Student Affairs
Two processes exist for undergraduate programs: academic assessment and program review. The academic assessment process is continuous, based on student learning outcomes and competencies assessment of the academic programs (SLOs) and the General Education program (competencies). The External Undergraduate Academic Program Review is an eight-year process based on annual process results and other relevant data for the programs.
Academic and Student Affairs
Resources available include the academic program assessment application and related items, basic expectations for the assessment process, university regulations and related links.
Academic and Student Affairs
The Office of Student Conduct works to educate students about the policies, rules and regulations that will impact their time here at NC State. This site includes details on the Code of Student Conduct and how to report an incident.
Academic and Student Affairs
This office manages the approval process for all undergraduate course and curricular offerings at NC State, is responsible for implementation of the General Education Program (GEP), and serves as a point of contact for on-campus as well as off-campus entities.
Academic and Student Affairs
NC State University is committed to providing a barrier-free environment to all people, from IT services to accessible faciltiies. NC State must comply with Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilites Act (ADA). NC State's IT and Disability Services Offices can assist you.
Academic and Student Affairs
NC State requires all supervisors to follow equitable hiring and employment practices. OEO provides resources to inform and equip those in leadership positions to comply with applicable policies and laws.
Academic and Student Affairs
As required by law, NC State complies with affirmative action activities and reporting as put forth in Executive Order 11246: Equal Employment Opportunity. Individuals designated to complete and an EEO Plan for your division will receive guidance through this process from the Office of Equal Opportunity.
Academic and Student Affairs
If you ever had questions about university business processes, state compliance regulations, or finance guidelines or topics (think PCard, MarketPlace, financial reporting, etc.) and didn’t know who or where to go for an answer, you know how frustrating that might be. The Finance Division Knowledge Base offers campus customers easy access to answers to their questions and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Academic and Student Affairs
Campus Enterprises has distilled their most important resources they offer faculty into one booklet.
The 3-D (Dean, Director and Department Head) communications distribute all policies and information that must reach administrators across the university. Memos often touch on areas related to faculty such as textbook adoption and providing accommodations to students with disabilities. Categories that may be of interest to faculty include Academic Affairs, Research and Sponsored Activities and Student Activities and Services.
Chancellor's Office
The NC State community can only function smoothly and successfully if everyone takes responsibility for their own actions and make themselves aware of their obligations. The Compliance and Integrity Program provides resources to help faculty act within the parameters of legal and ethical standards set forth by the university.
Compliance Steering Committee