

NC State offers a variety of mandatory and voluntary/supplemental retirement plans and retiree health insurance. The university also gives employees the option for a phased retirement and supports potential retirees with guidance on how to navigate the retirement process.


Human Resources

RPT Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions regarding the RPT process cover a wide range of topics, including: RPT procedures, building a dossier, RPT review, the tenure clock, department head information, non-tenure-track faculty, rules and regulations, withdrawal, external evaluations and statements of faculty responsibility.


Provost's Office

Scholarly Reassignment

A scholarly reassignment is an assignment that is requested by the faculty member for the purpose of permitting the faculty member to engage in activities that are not part of his or her normal academic assignments, and that are designed to enable them to concentrate their efforts on recent developments in special areas of scholarly interest and to maintain high professional competence.


Provost's Office

Tenure Clock Extension

NC State's RPT process provides for an extension of the time during which the institutional decision must be made regarding reappointment, promotion and tenure of faculty. The Provost's Office provides tenure clock extension resources and forms to guide faculty through this process.


Provost's Office
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