
Enrolling in Training, Workshops and Earning Your Certificate in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Our office provides diversity and equity training programs ranging from single workshops to our year-long, award-winning Equal Opportunity Institute certificate program. Our National Coalition Building Institute chapter affiliate has received national recognition for its facilitation of prejudice-reduction workshops on campus. All programs are free and open to faculty as participants and facilitators.


Institutional Equity and Diversity

Employee Benefits

NC State offers a comprehensive benefits package designed to provide a variety of choices for staff/faculty and their families. Benefits include a variety of health and other insurance plans, retirement plans, tuition wavers, service and product discounts and more.


Human Resources

Deciding to Retire

Retirement is a big decision. Employees need to consider the financial impact, Social Security, Medicare, other incomes sources, etc. The Benefits Office assists employees with retirement, resources on the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System (TSERS), Optional Retirement Plan and making a retirement notification.


Human Resources