DELTA has the experience and expertise to help you find the right way to affordably and efficiently navigate marketing efforts, from funding to fruition, while maintaining the university’s brand standards along the way.
Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA)
DELTA offers new program consultations to help department leadership launch their initiatives in an organized and disciplined way. Walking through all of the steps for developing or enhancing an Online and Distance Education program or technology integration program with a trained professional can help you better understand how to develop your initiative and set reasonable timelines for achieving your objectives.
Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA)
The Online Course Improvement Program (OCIP) is a professional development opportunity for faculty who currently teach online and are seeking to build upon their existing knowledge and skills in pursuit of improving one of their online courses. The program model is collaborative, which includes a cohort (group) of faculty peers and OCIP coordinators working together to design a course that meets the nationally recognized standards.
Digital Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA)
The Outreach and Engagement (O&E) Incentive Grants Program seeks to align interdisciplinary faculty, their expertise, their students, and their research work to address significant community challenges in one or all three of the identified community partnerships, as outlined in the NC State Outreach and Engagement Strategic Plan. This effort also supports student engagement through faculty and community collaborations.
Outreach and Engagement
The Outstanding Engagement Awards and the Outstanding Extension Awards are to encourage and recognize members of the faculty and EHRA staff who are nominated and selected by their respective colleges or units on campus for their outstanding contributions to extension and engagement.
Outreach and Engagement
Work with the Global Training Initiative to provide short-term training for groups of overseas professionals abroad or at NC State.
Pack Hacks for Faculty is a section of the Provost’s Office newsletter where NC State faculty members provide quick tips, advice and other insight to facilitate success in one or more of the realms of faculty responsibility.
The Peace Corps aims to recruit NC State graduates to serve abroad - and to provide support for returned Peace Corps volunteers in North Carolina.
Peer Review of Teaching can be considered a component of the scholarship of teaching and part of the formative and summative evaluations of teaching.
Office of Faculty Development
Find helpful resources regarding professorships of distinction, including various rules and regulations, as well as sample memos for review committee approval requests and dean-recommended appointments.
The Copyright and Digital Scholarship Center offers legal guidance to help you understand the issues and to support your publication decisions. We also offer more information about publication agreements, the central legal instrument in the academic world and specific issues such as rights reversion for scholarly monographs.
The Reflective Educational Design (RED) Core Teaching Certification (CTC) is designed to provide support and recognition for faculty members at NC State who are dedicated to reflective teaching and learning. The certification helps faculty members advance towards becoming scholarly teachers.
Office for Faculty Excellence
Request permission for an individual who is not a Graduate Faculty member to teach a graduate course. (Login required)
The Graduate School
Resources for Academic Advisors (Primary Role and Faculty).
Academic and Student Affairs
Selected Scholar Awards provides information on limited-submission funding opportunities for early career professors to jump start an independent research career. Information is also available on Biomedical Scholar Awards support research in biomedical fields and are all limited.
Research and Innovation