

The Grants.gov page allows faculty members and their colleagues the ability to fill out web forms and apply for funding together. The page guides faculty in creating workspaces for open funding opportunities.


Research and Innovation

How to Partner with NC State Researchers

NC State doesn’t follow a one-size-fits-all approach to partnerships. Each partnership is built on the unique interests and strengths of both parties, and evolves to address new opportunities and solve future challenges. the Office of Partnerships and Economic Development makes the process of doing business with NC State as easy and productive as possible.


Research and Innovation

Industry Partnerships

NC State’s partnerships with industry and government create high-impact research opportunities for faculty. The Office of Partnerships and Economic Development can help you find companies and agencies that share your interests, and initiate mutually beneficial research agreements.


Research and Innovation


InfoEd SPIN is the Research Development Office's funding opportunity database. Directions are available for user registration.


Research and Innovation

Interdisciplinary Research Initiatives

The Office of Research and Innovation supports strategically important interdisciplinary research efforts by NC State faculty and their external partners. Learn more about the Data Science Initiative, Neurosciences at NC State, and Smart Cities.


Research and Innovation

International Partnership Opportunities

NC State maintains a Global Partners Database to connect faculty with resesarch partners around the world. Whatever your partnership goals, NC State has the resources — and the global reach — to help you achieve them. Explore the university's connections with more than 130 institutions around the world, or log in to manage partnerships.


Global Engagement