
Occupational Safety

Occupational Safety programs address physical work in NC State facilities that requires the interaction of human-machine-environment. Physical safety programs serve to mitigate risk and exposure to unsafe practices and reduce injury.


Environmental Health and Public Safety

Office of Contracts and Grants

The Office of Contracts and Grants manages and supports the financial administration and effort certification processes associated with sponsored projects awarded to NC State University. We ensure funds are spent appropriately and that accurate, timely information is provided to sponsors and the university community. From the establishment of an award to closeout, we provide expertise to help campus interpret guidelines and promote a culture of compliance across the university. Services provided


Research and Innovation

Office of General Counsel

NC State's Office of General Counsel is a dedicated team of legal advisors, counselors and professional staff committed to serving our clients by facilitating creative and collaborative solutions. The office provides legal and risk management advice on a wide variety of matters to the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, senior officers, other university administrators, and faculty and staff who are acting on behalf of the university.


Office of General Counsel

Office of Research and Innovation

The Office of Research and Innovation supports research, scholarship, and creative activities of the NC State community, facilitates a collaborative research and innovation environment, and translates results into social, economic, and technological development across North Carolina and around the world.


Research and Innovation

Office of Research Commercialization

The Office of Research Commercialization plays a crucial role in making NC State a research powerhouse and a powerful economic engine for North Carolina by protecting and promoting university research discoveries and intellectual property, working with and guiding industry partners, and promoting the acceleration of startups. The office helps drive economic growth by facilitating the commercialization of research discoveries.


Research and Innovation

Outreach and Engagement Incentive Grants

The Outreach and Engagement (O&E) Incentive Grants Program seeks to align interdisciplinary faculty, their expertise, their students, and their research work to address significant community challenges in one or all three of the identified community partnerships, as outlined in the NC State Outreach and Engagement Strategic Plan. This effort also supports student engagement through faculty and community collaborations.


Outreach and Engagement

Partnerships and Economic Development

The Office of Partnerships and Economic Development develops and grows university, industry and government partnerships for economic and societal benefit by making the process of doing business with NC State as easy and productive as possible. The department also supports economic development efforts of the state of North Carolina and the Triangle region by actively recruiting companies with high-paying jobs.


Research and Innovation

Partnerships Overview

Research universities are a rich source of talent and R&D resources, but navigating through them to forge a university-industry partnership can be complex. The Office of Partnerships and Economic Development at NC State helps organizations save time and money by providing expert assistance and strategic connections.


Research and Innovation