
Finance Division Knowledge Base

If you ever had questions about university business processes, state compliance regulations, or finance guidelines or topics (think PCard, MarketPlace, financial reporting, etc.) and didn’t know who or where to go for an answer, you know how frustrating that might be. The Finance Division Knowledge Base offers campus customers easy access to answers to their questions and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Office of Finance and Administration

Property Disposition

There have been changes to PRR’s and clarifications of the university property disposition process for any type of University owned/controlled property (capital, non-capital, supplies, etc). Related links point to the updated disposition process document and the updated Policy statements located on the NC State University PRR website. These documents provide uniform guidance that should be followed by all faculty and staff. The updated policy supersedes all prior policies or procedures.


Materials Management

Determining if You are a Responsible Employee

Selected NC State employees serve as Responsible Employees based on their position or office affiliation, as described on the Safe at NC State website. These employees have the authority to take action to redress sex discrimination and have reporting requirements within the university.


Institutional Equity and Diversity

Completing Your Faculty Exit Survey

NC State asks departing faculty to participate in a voluntary, confidential faculty exit survey to better understand what faculty value most in their workplace and why they leave. The information is only used in summary form as a means to identify patterns or trends in the work environment at the university.


Institutional Equity and Diversity

Deciding to Retire

Retirement is a big decision. Employees need to consider the financial impact, Social Security, Medicare, other incomes sources, etc. The Benefits Office assists employees with retirement, resources on the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System (TSERS), Optional Retirement Plan and making a retirement notification.


Human Resources