Faculty directors of approved study abroad programs are encouraged to review these resources.
Deadlines and general information for this year's RPT cycle.
Oversees the undergraduate course approval process (UCCC) as well as the GEP approval process (CUE) a the university level. This office provides assistance with Course Inventory Management software (CIM) and can provide guidance on the university level course approval process.
Academic and Student Affairs
The Data Sensitivity Framework enables users of university data both to assess its sensitivity level and to secure it accordingly .
Office of Information Technology
Retirement is a big decision. Employees need to consider the financial impact, Social Security, Medicare, other incomes sources, etc. The Benefits Office assists employees with retirement, resources on the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System (TSERS), Optional Retirement Plan and making a retirement notification.
Whether you are an academic department head searching for resources and guidance or a student looking to get in touch with a departmental contact — we’re here to direct you toward the tools you need for personal and professional success.
Selected NC State employees serve as Responsible Employees based on their position or office affiliation, as described on the Safe at NC State website. These employees have the authority to take action to redress sex discrimination and have reporting requirements within the university.
Institutional Equity and Diversity
Upon approval of the Chancellor, emeritus/emerita status is granted to retiring full-time faculty in recognition of dedicated service at NC State. It is an earned rank and as such entitles its holders to commensurate rights and privileges.
The NC State community can only function smoothly and successfully if everyone takes responsibility for their own actions and make themselves aware of their obligations. The Compliance and Integrity Program provides resources to help faculty act within the parameters of legal and ethical standards set forth by the university.
Compliance Steering Committee
The Faculty Senate is a body of representatives from each college, school and other NC State constituency. This group provides advice to the chancellor and, through the chancellor, to the NC State Board of Trustees.
Process and criteria for developing a study abroad program.
If you ever had questions about university business processes, state compliance regulations, or finance guidelines or topics (think PCard, MarketPlace, financial reporting, etc.) and didn’t know who or where to go for an answer, you know how frustrating that might be. The Finance Division Knowledge Base offers campus customers easy access to answers to their questions and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Office of Finance and Administration
If you ever had questions about university business processes, state compliance regulations, or finance guidelines or topics (think PCard, MarketPlace, financial reporting, etc.) and didn’t know who or where to go for an answer, you know how frustrating that might be. The Finance Division Knowledge Base offers campus customers easy access to answers to their questions and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Academic and Student Affairs
NC State requires all supervisors to follow equitable hiring and employment practices. OEO provides resources to inform and equip those in leadership positions to comply with applicable policies and laws.
Academic and Student Affairs
The Global Partners database tracks the collaborative research, education and outreach pursued by NC State University around the world. Users can explore the university’s connections with more than 130 other leading institutions worldwide, and NC State faculty and staff can log in to manage their partnerships.